"A tale of Dreamers and Dreams"
Somewhere in the distant past, a dream for a school was conceived. Over the years this dream became more vivid and in 2011, the idea materialised into Sam’s Park High School, a school of dreams.
At Sam’s Park High School, our biggest vision is to sharpen the individuals art of reasoning and problem-solving skills by equipping them with sound academic standards whose credibility will leave a legacy. We urge our students to participate in co-currricular activities such as sports, music, dance and drama which enables diversification of talents and builds a wholesome individual.
We aim at instilling a code of discipline, special and distinct to our school identity. We are proudly in partnership with Mother’s & Father’s Union groups that mentor the students on key social areas and I assure you that they are dependable. They often visit the school to advise students on how they can protect and treasure their chastity. We encourage this because we realise, with apprehension, the degradation of morals amongst the younger generation. Our goal in this is to groom children that will stay calm enough to keep a grip on their sanity in this fast-paced world.
Our ideals also encompass the moulding of an individual that will hold dear and cherish the value of a serene environment. We, for this reason, meticulously tend to our lawns whose beauty is enhanced by the greenery; this coupled with the fascinating cool breeze allows for our children to enjoy the quiet conducive for in-depth contemplation. Our campus also doubles as a therapeutic arena for our children by offering a peaceful and tranquil environment.
We invite you to come be part of us and rest assured that your child will receive a holistic education to transform them from children yearning for direction to mature thinkers who can cope with today’s world.
Head Teacher